
Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce Hosts Ribbon Cutting for New American Dream Department Store Dedicated to Modest Apparel

The Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce Hosted a Ribbon Cutting for a New American Dream Department Store Dedicated to Modest Apparel on Monday Feb 13th.

The mood was festive at the American Dream shopping mall Monday, as the indoor entertainment center hosted a gala event to celebrate its opening of a truly pioneering new fashion store. “The ADdress” is the embodiment of every modest fashion consumer’s dream with its selection of top-of-the-line brands curated especially for them. The ribbon cutting ceremony was teeming with business leaders from across the fashion industry who were excited to participate in a transformative moment for Jewish women’s fashion.

The Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce was honored with hosting the ribbon cutting in recognition of its vital role in bringing this dream to fruition, the creation of new Jobs and its tireless advocacy on behalf of its members in the Jewish fashion industry and beyond. 

Don Ghermezian, CEO of American Dream, stood with Mr. Honig and welcomed the chamber and its members thanking its involvement and friendship personally. “To the entire Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce, I want to say thank you. It means so much to us, to the family, to American Dream that Duvi was here for the opening.” 

For Mr. Honig and the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce, The ADdress is another success in its mission to empower entrepreneurs in the Jewish community as they continue to break ground with exciting new initiatives. “We’re proud of American Dream and the AdDress and this wonderful accomplishment,” said Mr. Honig. “It was an honor to host the ribbon cutting for them.”

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